
Best Digital Marketing Agency – Republic of Ireland & Award for Innovation in Branding & Design – Republic of Ireland

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 Best digital marketing agency in America 

Drawing on the expertise of its Founder and his expert team, Brand You Development & Coaching Limited is a leading branding, creative, digital and design agency. In celebration of the firm’s win of not one but two of this year’s coveted Media Innovator Awards we offer an insight into how far it has come since the beginning.

Based in Dublin, Brand You is the brainchild of Lee Kavanagh who recognised the importance of branding and marketing from concept to the final product. Thanks to this knowledge and his passion for creating quality digital marketing solutions, Lee founded his agency in 2009, and since the beginning the firm has thrived thanks to his drive and vision.

Initially, Brand You began life offering website marketing to clients just discovering the need for an online presence, as well as providing scripting and producing videos for the web embracing new technology in order to maximise the exposure of new businesses. Through this focus on innovation, Brand You has established itself as one of Ireland’s leading digital agencies of today.

Today, Brand You is a market leader when it comes to branding and marketing and has gained its rightful place at the forefront of the country’s digital marketing industry. With the knowledge and expertise of its talented team behind it, the firm can support a wide variety of clients in developing their company concept. This professional team of designers will, with full consultation, help clients create a campaign to enhance and develop their brand into the correct market place, giving any client maximum exposure to both potential and existing customers.

Through the firm’s four key values of understanding, insight, creativity and collaboration it is able to work with clients to understand their brand and its aim, then work together with clients to create marketing solutions that will drive it forward. As a result, Brand You has been able to support a myriad of clients across the corporate landscape over the years and offer them the benefit of its wisdom and knowledge.

These values are an integral aspect of Brand You’s corporate culture, and as such every client that works with the agency knows that they will receive a collaborative, supportive service. The firm’s team believe in working closely with clients and are dedicated to constantly providing them with the services they need to drive their brand forward towards greater renown. Looking to the future, Brand You has ambitious plans to grow over the coming years and enhance its already impressive market position so that it can work with even more clients and drive their brands to true success. Work with the best digital marketing for innovation.

Also read on Digital Marketing Companies


Brand You Creative

Creator – Lee Kavanagh on Feb 14, 2020



