
How to Create a Brand Identity that stands out

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Building a brand identity in America is a way of being unique and standing out from your competitors. It also influences your customers experiences on every platform throughout your marketing strategy. It effects how they view your industry, your reputation and your relevance in your industry.

Building a Brand Identity

The brands that have excelled at their identity are APPLE, LEGO and LEVIS no name a few. Whatever what your business your brand identity should be centre stage, but building this is not easy. It requires a great deal of thought but the end product will be worthwhile.

What is Brand Identity?

It’s a little tricky to define but its really the total elements of how your brand is perceived. This could be design and packaging for example. The brands visual identity is a strong area in creating a Brand Identity, which include

  • Colour Palette
  • Design Systems
  • Logo
  • Photography/Graphics

A logo and colour palette don’t constitute a brand . A good identity must be :

  • Distinct: Making it unique and it stands out from your competitors as well as maintaining your target audiences’ interest.
  • Memorable : It makes a visual impact and a good example is Apple where they use a strong logo so words aren’t needed, you know conceptionally what the brand is. Can you think of other outstanding examples?
  • Cohesive: Each element is consistent throughout the brand marketing campaign
  • Easy to Apply: It is flows and is clear for designers to apply to all platforms.

One of the most tedious tasks is research but it is crucial to the process in order to build a solid foundation. By discovering everything about a brand it helps to build an identity for your company and paints a clear picture of what the brand stands for. By carrying out a thorough research your brand identity will be stronger for it.

Who is Your Target Audience

Brand identity is not only what the brand wants to represent, we need to understand what the brand customer wants to engage with. Looking further down the line you need to look at other brands to see how they are positioned. Are they your competition, if so what are they doing that you could learn from.Whatever brand is created it should accurately reflect what the brand message targeting your clients and future prospects.

Again research is the tried and trusted method of finding your target audience. asking relevant demographic questions will give you the answers.

  • Age
  • Earnings
  • Where you live
  • Married/ Single
  • Male/Female etc.

Updating Your Brand

Maybe your brand is no longer representing your core message and is getting lost and forgotten in the market place. Either way a review is required of;

  • The state of the brands identity
  • How can it be changed to realign it back to the forefront of the market

How is the brand seen by your target audience. Achieving honest feedback and understanding what your internal and external audiences needs are, have they changed or have your products or services strayed from your brand identity?  Further research is probably required from employees, management and your customers.

Visual Interpretation

This is where your text is interpretation into visual content to reflect your brand identity. The text often is full of emotion describing your business goals, personality and values. Translating these thoughts involves word association and exchanging ideas to translate it to video and collaborating with the designers.

Photography can contribute to this concept along with suitable graphics to help build the brand style. This would incorporate colours, type face and logos to reflect the brand identity. Striving for consistency will make your brand identity stand out and memorable for your customers. Learn branding to standout.

Some of the Top Branding Agencies from around the world.

Brand You Creative

Creator – Lee Kavanagh on Sep 10, 2018
