Web Maintenance


Brand You is a professional web maintenance agency in America that ensure your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Our team of experts provides top-notch web development and design services, as well as ongoing maintenance to keep your site up-to-date and secure.

With our web maintenance services, you can focus on your core business while we take care of the technical aspects of your website. We offer a range of services, including regular backups, software updates, and security monitoring to keep your site running smoothly.

Aside from keeping website design fresh, Brand You can also manage updates of new products, content, themes, plug-ins, or other site elements – all of which are an essential in keeping customers in the loop and maintaining rankings. We will maintain your website and review it with you every month.

Web & Hosting

Web Maintenance

Website Speed

At Brand You, our team of expert web maintainers help your website to remain on the optimized speed and help your customers navigate within few seconds. With an optimum speed, your customer will be able to reach one link to another in few seconds resulting in easy and user-friendly navigation.

404 errors

The 404 error could be found on any website resulting in your audience choosing a competitor’s website for their product or/and service. This error could be caused due to the page being deleted or moved or the URL has not been modified correctly. With our professional web maintenance service, your website will never face this error and will be the number one choice of your target audience.


Website security is the top-most priority of any company may it be banking or retail. For your website to not get hacked or misused it’s essential for you to stay on top and monitor your website regularly. At Brand You, we conduct maintenance every month to know that your website is secured and not being hacked by a competitor.

On-going Support

Need help in checking and monitoring your website regularly? At Brand You, we run monthly web maintenance reports to check that the website is functioning correctly and if the tags are placed correctly. We also provide on-going support regarding web development and design with the latest trends in the industry.

Browser Compatibility Testing

Browser monitoring and compatibility gives you full visibility into the performance of your modern web pages as well as how your competitor is performing. The testing helps in measuring the website’s speed and performance, so that you know where to invest your time and efforts. At Brand You, we run the test for you and provide a complete report of your performance and website.

Website Backup

It is very important to back up your website and have a copy of the data. If you are using a particular management system to develop your website, it is important to back up your files, content, media, and databases to get it up and running if any issue occurs. At Brand You, we have a high-end system that backs up all your data and stores it in a secure manner for access whenever required.

Work with us

Plan a Project

Aside from keeping website design fresh, Brand You can also manage updates of new products, content, themes, plug-ins, or other site elements – all of which are an essential in keeping customers in the loop and maintaining rankings. We will maintain your website and review it with you every month.